Saturday, February 12, 2011


   I've been living in the center of Tokyo for nearly 5 months now I figured I would finally start posting things in a central area instead of all around the internet.  In case you have come across this blog randomly, and aren't one of my friends and family, I figured I would do a brief introduction to give you some perspective as to where my thoughts and opinions are coming from.

   I'm a 27 year old male who was born and raised for the majority of his life in Southwest Alabama, primarily on a 17acre patch of land that has been in our family for over 100 years.  My entire county only had 18,000 people if that tells you anything.  Besides Alabama, I spent two years of my elementary school life in Anchorage, Alaska when one of my parents was transferred there for work. 

   At 20 years old I got extremely lucky and landed a position with the Federal Bureau of Investigation as an non-agent entry level employee.  After several years I worked my way up to a Technical Information Specialist and during this time I acquired my bachelor's degree in executive business administration.

  Approximately 3 years ago I took a brief trip to Tokyo after finding a cheap round trip ticket online.  I found Tokyo to be completely mind blowing so a few months after returning to America I decided to give self studying Japanese a shot, thinking that I would give up after a week or two.  I kept plugging at it day after day and the more I studied the more I wanted to give living in Tokyo a shot. 

  So, like a complete crazy person, I saved up a lot of money (I was single with no kids, living in an extremely cheap part of the country, and getting paid very well at the time) and decided to quit my job with the FBI , under a recommendation for rehire if I ever decided I wanted to go back, and move here.  I didn't want to come here and have to find a job right away, so I enrolled at the ISI Language School in Takadanobaba in order to acquire a long term student VISA.   Shortly after that I acquired my own apartment in the Kagurazaka area which is where I am today.   

  A lot of this blog will focus on the subject of language learning, as it is something I am highly interested in, as well as my take on the craziness that is Tokyo.  If you are expecting a stereotypical Southern's point of view on things you might even be a little bit surprised, with the exception of my very strong Southern accent that is haha. 



1 comment:

  1. Good Post, just accidentally found this post, great review ,i going japan soon^^
